About Me


With 15 years of experience as a designer and a diverse skill set including graphic and digital design, video editing, basic motion graphics, UI design, music marketing, and photography, I have worked on projects for clients such as VIVO Telecom, Natura, iMusics, LogiGO Connected Mobility, Avenue Code, Brazil’s biggest pop band Jota Quest as well as world-renowned artists such as Red Hot Chili Peppers and Nile Rodgers & CHIC. and Franz Ferdinand.

I began my career in 2005 as a web designer and front-end developer at Datasul (later acquired by TOTVS), but following my passion for music, I decided to focus on design in 2008, and joined Mobimarket, a mobile marketing agency that was later acquired by the ISOBAR group. Through this experience, I was able to develop my skills and grow professionally, eventually receiving a proposal to join the design team at the Nokia Institute of Technology as an interface designer. However, in 2012, my former Art Director at Mobimarket invited me to join his team at New Content, a leading branded content producer in Brazil, where I was able to work with brands like O Boticário, VIVO, TAM, Cyrela and Natura in a variety of digital design tasks such as landing pages, UI, banners, editorial, and video editing.

In addition to my professional work, I also combined my passion for music and design by collaborating with independent artists at the beginning of their careers. Eventually, I accepted a new challenge as an independent designer for a successful band. As a multidisciplinary designer, I became a graphic, digital designer, content creator, and social media manager for one of Brazil's biggest pop bands, Jota Quest, who also won a GRAMMY award. This experience also led me to develop my skills in photography, which eventually gave me the opportunity to work officially for artists like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nile Rodgers, Franz Ferdinand and others.

My passion for music also led me to produce two workshops with drummer Chad Smith (from Red Hot Chili Peppers). Additionally, I worked at the startup iMusics, a Brazilian "360º" platform that allows any artist or band to have everything in one place, including distribution, editing, regularization of their works, marketing and much more.

Two years ago, the global pandemic made me analyze the market more critically so I decided to pursue a new career path by specializing in UX Design. With all my previous design background, I can develop great user-centered projects.

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Front-end Dev


I began my career as a front-end developer for small IT companies before moving on to work for Datasul (later acquired by TOTVS). Later on at Mobimarket, I had shifted my focus towards design and gained valuable experience in this field.

Multimedia Designer

2006 - 2020

With a diverse skillset including Digital Design, Graphic Design, Video Editing, Motion Graphics, Social Media management and Photography, I am a well-rounded professional with a wealth of experience.

UX/UI Designer

2020 - Present

After 10 years of working as a Multimedia (Digital) Designer and taking on a variety of design roles, I decided to pursue a new challenge by transitioning into UX/UI Design.

The global impact of the pandemic prompted me to reassess the entertainment marketing market, where I have been a designer for the past 5 years, and chart a new career path. As a result, I decided to specialize in UX Design. With my previous design background, I am now able to create user-centered projects that are both impactful and relevant.

my full timeline

My Skills


I have a strong foundation in UX/UI Design, with the ability to design intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces that enhance the user experience.

Prototype tools

I am skilled in using prototype tools such as Figma and Adobe XD to create interactive mockups and wireframes for web and mobile applications.

Adobe After Effects

I have a basic to intermediate skill level in Adobe After Effects, which allows me to create simple motion graphics and micro-interactions for user interfaces.


I have a strong background in photography, with particular expertise in music concert photography. Some of the notable bands I have shot include Red Hot Chili Peppers, Franz Ferdinand, and Nile Rodgers.


I am proficient in video editing, with the ability to create professional-quality videos through the use of software such as Adobe Premiere Pro.

Code Validation

As a former front-end developer, I have a strong ability to read, understand, and validate front-end code, which is a valuable skill for a designer to possess.




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Cup of Coffee


Works with you



"Altair é uma pessoa confiável e pontual, sempre prestando atenção aos detalhes e compreendendo profundamente vários assuntos, especialmente no campo do design e música. Ele é sempre proativo e disposto a colaborar com seus colegas de trabalho, seja para ajudar a solucionar problemas ou contribuir com ideias inovadoras."
Bruno Telloli Montagner
Culture & Trends Manager - YouTube, Brazil
"Foi um enorme prazer trabalhar com o Altair. Um dos atributos que mais o destaca de outros profissionais é o um grande e verdadeiro interesse em resolver o problema de cada desafio que lhe é posto. É uma pessoa que se importa com a qualidade do trabalho e possui muita disposição para trabalhar/colaborar com outras pessoas para chegar no objetivo do projeto. Também consegue entregar na velocidade que a gente precisava e possui autonomia para buscar soluções quando lhe falta conhecimento. Sua capacidade de conversar sobre qualquer assunto ajudou a construir relacionamento e pertencimento, fazendo um lugar melhor para trabalhar."
Leonardo Oliveira
Design Lead - YDUQS
"Se eu tivesse uma lista do tipo “1001 pessoas incríveis pra trabalhar antes de morrer” o Altair estaria nela logo no começo. Uma rara combinação de competência e gente finice em forma de ser humano."
Gustavo Guertler
CEO na Editora Belas Letras
"Trabalhamos com Altair anos atrás e foi uma verdadeira alegria. Ele é um designer incrivelmente talentoso e criativo, sempre apresentando ideias novas e inovadoras. Além disso, sua habilidade no manuseio de mídias sociais e produção de conteúdo foi fundamental para o crescimento de nossa banda nas redes sociais. Ele é um profissional dedicado e comprometido, sempre buscando maneiras de elevar o nível de seu trabalho. A banda sentiu muita falta dele e estamos todos muito gratos pelo trabalho incrível que ele realizou conosco."
Rogério Flausino
Lead singer - Jota Quest
"Altair é um excelente designer e profissional, com habilidades técnicas e senso estético. É um parceiro colaborativo e leal na equipe, sempre disposto a auxiliar os colegas e trabalhar em conjunto para alcançar objetivos comuns. Muito bom no que faz e extremamente competente."
Robson Ramos
Coordenador de UX - Grupo Boticario
"Altair is a creative and efficiet worker. Great part of our complex projects were solved by him. Great contact that become great projects were brought by him at the company we wroked together."
Seiji Sato
Head of design at Sproutfi
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